Anneli Anderson
Portland, OR
A note from Anneli:
Recently, I've been reading through a devotional bible called The Holy Bible Mosaic. It goes by the liturgical calender and starts off with Advent. I was struck with the section on Hope. Not ever really meditating on what hope really is I found this part written by Alex Davis, a friend of mine, enlightening.
Here, then, is real hope: not that we passionately want to be more and do more, but that the one who creates and sustains and cares for the universe waits for us to create and sustain and care, too. So consider: Hope doesn't start with you , depend on you, or end with you. It starts, depends, and ends in Jesus Christ. He connects you to the Father and fills you with the Spirit, empowering you to meet others with the grace that every relationship will require. And when grace is mutually given, hope begins moving afresh.